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Vote Peace

Cool new AudioCard technology 

Cool new AudioCard technology

Willie Nelson for Dennis Kucinich AuidoCard - another example, but of a marketing strategy for lawyers

Local SE MI email update 

Local SE MI email update

First, a big *Thank You* to everyone who has contributed to
the Kucinich campaign this quarter. The money keeps Dennis
out there as an effective and unique voice on the issues.
As many of you know, the compressed primary schedule means
that the money we raise now is the most important for
keeping Dennis funded from January-March, since federal
matching funds roll in months after the contribution. If
you have not yet contributed, or you can put in a little
more to get more matching funds, please visit this site by
the end of today, September 30:

On Thursday, October 2 at 7pm, there will be two Meet-Ups
in Washtenaw County. In Ann Arbor, join fellow supporters
at Ashley's Pub, 338 S. State St. In Chelsea, head to Zou
Zou's Cafe, 101 N. Main. You can sign up and get more
information here: http://kucinich2004.meetup.com/

On Saturday, October 4, from 7-9:30pm, local supporter Jeff
Orr has organized a "Conference for a World Culture of
Peace & Non-Violence" in the McKenny Union Ballroom of EMU.
Speakers include Reverend James Luther Bevel, Dr. Monish
R. Chatterjee, and Randolph Rothey. See attached flyer for
more details. Tickets are $10 for advance purchase, but
Jeff has 10 tickets available for Kucinich supporters.
Send him an e-mail to get one:

Mark your calendar for some great events with Dennis in
October. More information on these later, but at the
moment we have:

1. On Monday afternoon, October 13, Dennis will fly in to
Detroit to officially announce his candidacy. We are doing
house parties on Monday and Tuesday to celebrate and spread
the word. If you would like to throw a party, visit this
page: http://www.kucinich.us/houseparty.htm
2. On Friday morning, October 17, Dennis will be at a
brunch and reception in Dearborn, before speaking to the
Arab-American Institute.
3. On Sunday, October 26, Dennis will return to Detroit for
the nationally televised debate sponsored by the
Congressional Black Caucus.

Let me know if you need more information on any event.
Also, I am running a table for Jeff's Conference on October
4, but could use 1-2 others to help out--again, let me

Jason Antrosio


Vote Peace - Vote Kucinich 

Vote Peace