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"Why didn't they just put extra security out?" he asked. "They are building up fear to become more powerful politically."
Muslims For Kucinich: Kucinich calls terror alert a government scare tactic


Dennis Kucinich Blog and News - The Electability of Dennis Kucinich, Candidate for the Democratic Presidential Nomination
"He's not sexy enough. He's not electable. Yeah, that last one. Not electable. How many times have I heard folks say that they really like Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Democrat of Ohio) and the stands he takes in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, but they don?t think he can be elected?"

Muslims For Kucinich: Kucinich Releasing World Peace Initiative
"The holiday season is a time of common aspiration for peace on Earth, but this holiday season the Bush Administration is taking us in the opposite direction, undermining international efforts to stop the spread of nuclear arms. Our government is now developing new nuclear weapons. The Administration is putting the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty in jeopardy, thereby increasing the likelihood of the use of nuclear weapons. "

Muslims For Kucinich: Season's greetings from Dennis
Audio message

kuro5hin.org || Dennis Kucinich: the Kuro5hin interview
kuo5hin: "Your platform reads like Progressive pillow talk - universal healthcare, full employment, fully funded public education through college - but is America ready for that radical of a shift to the left?"

Dennis: "What is radical about healthcare for all? What is radical about education for all? What is radical about jobs for all? When that starts to be radical, we have to ask ourselves, what in the heck has happened to this country?"

Muslims For Kucinich: FEC Says Kucinich Qualifies for Funding
"The Federal Election Commission has declared Rep. Dennis Kucinich qualified to receive federal matching funds, making the Ohio congressman eligible for up to $18.6 million"

mousemusings weblog
"Prayer for America is # 16 on NY Times Bestseller List "



does the google banner advertise dean, on a dennis kucinich page? Do we need to be buying more google ads?

and the Democratic Buttons ad is not very Kucinich friendly either! hmmm, blogger is retooling the way you can purchase ads.

anyone have any ideas?

World Without War, the Song. 

via World Without War
"10 things you can do to W A G E P E A C E"

Where your tax money really goes 

via War Resisters League
The Federal Piechart

What a presidential quote! 

via RuminateThis
"Think about it: you're running for president of the United States, and you're already caving into insurance companies. What's next? Caving into arms manufacturers? Caving into polluters? I'm unbought and unbossed. I'm nobody's boy. ~ Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)"


Anti-War Songs 

via One Good Move

Undeterred, Kucinich keeps on 

via Muslims For Kucinich


Clark sez he will beat the crap out of them 

via HoustonChronicle.com



Kucinich suspects military draft planned 

via DesMoinesRegister.com
"U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich vowed Saturday in Des Moines to fight any effort to restore a military draft, which he believes is inevitable under defense policies being pursued by the Bush administration."

another for kucinich 

via mousemusings weblog
"Another Canadian View, From Dave Pollard at How to Save the World

Dennis Kucinich, in an interview with Salon and LinkTV shows why he's the only real liberal in the Democratic race, and brilliantly deconstructs arguments he is 'unelectable'. I'm just more and more impressed with him. I think he'd have a superb relationship with other world leaders as President, and having that kind of collaboration and cooperation, instead of the Bush bullying and unilateralism and confrontation, could make all the difference in the world. Even if 2004 is not his year, watch this guy -- he's not going away and could well turn out to be the best President of the 21st century."

The Optimist 

via Dennis Kucinich
''I understand that some commentators want to winnow down the candidates in this race,'' he says, archly. ''It must be hard for them to live with such an awesome responsibility.''


How an anarchist came to run the Kucinich campaign in Rhode Island 

via Infoshop News


Progressive Hope 

via Dennis Kucinich Blog and News


ABC Orders Some Candidates Off the Stage 

"'How did Dennis Kucinich and Al Sharpton and Carol Moseley Braun get into this thing?' ABC's Ted Koppel complained before the Democratic candidates' debate that he moderated this week. 'Nobody seems to know. Some candidates who are perceived as serious are gasping for air, and what little oxygen there is on the stage will be taken up by one-third of the people who do not have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination.'" via Muslims For Kucinich


anti war protests in pictures 

"October 26, 2003
Photobloggers cover anti war protests over the weekend" via picturephoning.com

Quote of the Day: Kenneth Roth 

via Body and Soul

Presidential pickings 

via Body and Soul

Muslims For Kucinich: Statement of Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich On The Capture Of Saddam Hussein 

Muslims For Kucinich: Statement of Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich On The Capture Of Saddam Hussein

Muslims For Kucinich: Kucinich Releases Media Reform Plan 

Muslims For Kucinich: Kucinich Releases Media Reform Plan


Psychotria Nervosa: 60 Seconds for Peace 

Psychotria Nervosa: 60 Seconds for Peace

Signs of Protest 

via Psychotria Nervosa

ABC News pulls reporter off Kucinich campaign 

"The day after Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich took ABC debate moderator Ted Koppel to task for avoiding questions that would be useful to voters in favor of questions about endorsements, money, and polls, ABC pulled its fulltime 'embedded' reporter from the Kucinich campaign, a reporter who had been given no warning that such a move was coming and who had discussed at length yesterday with the Kucinich campaign staff her plans and her needs for the coming months." via Muslims For Kucinich

There's No Debate - Kucinich Creates Excitement 

via Muslims For Kucinich

President Candidates selector 

Here is mine:

Your Results:

1. Your ideal theoretical candidate. (100%) Click here for info
2. Kucinich, Rep. Dennis, OH - Democrat (81%) Click here for info
3. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (74%) Click here for info
4. Clark, Retired General Wesley K., AR - Democrat (69%) Click here for info
5. Edwards, Senator John, NC - Democrat (67%) Click here for info
6. Gephardt, Rep. Dick, MO - Democrat (64%) Click here for info
7. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (60%) Click here for info
8. Sharpton, Reverend Al - Democrat (55%) Click here for info
9. Lieberman, Senator Joe, CT - Democrat (44%) Click here for info
10. LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr. - Democrat (42%) Click here for info
11. Moseley-Braun, Former Senator Carol, IL - Democrat (39%) Click here for info
12. Libertarian Candidate (31%) Click here for info
13. Bush, President George W. - Republican (17%) Click here for info
14. Phillips, Howard - Constitution (7%) Click here for info

via SelectSmart.com


This is the Dumbest Thing I Have Read in a Long Time 

Seriously. Go read it for yourself. Apparently, Al Gore is the most powerful man in the universe. Just by endorsing Dean, he has stopped the Democratic primaries from ever happening. Apparently, Gore and his Super Duper Mind Control Thingy are going to make all the Democratic voters give all their money to Dean and prevent them from voting for anyone other than Dean.
via Lean Left

Alice Walker Endorses Kucinich 

... Will Be Keynote at Kucinich Event" via Muslims For Kucinich

Ted Koppel, Anchor Provocateur 

"Kucinich pounced. 'With all due respect to you, Ted Koppel, who I admire greatly -- '

'There's a zinger coming now,' Koppel cracked.

Kucinich said that to kick off the debate by talking about endorsements 'trivializes the issues that are before us.'

Koppel then voiced his apparent disdain for Kucinich, Sharpton and Braun, asking whether they would eventually 'drop out' or continue a 'vanity candidacy.'

Again, Kucinich punched back. 'I want the American people to see where the media takes politics in this country,' he declared to loud applause. Koppel had become one of the debaters, and he had just taken a hard right to the jaw. The candidates, many of them, were in open revolt against the moderator."

via Muslims For Kucinich


Powerful anti-war flash animation from the Kucinich campaign 

via Metafilter

The Meatrix 

via S.C.C.A. - Star Captains Club of America

go vegan


Video of Kucinich in Ann Arbor 

video via mousemusings

Worldwide candlelight vigil  

Worldwide candlelight vigil set for Afghan child victims

via Psychotria Nervosa

check out these %'s 

Governor Howard Dean - 56.11 percent
Congressman Dennis Kucinich - 17.19 percent
General Wesley Clark - 14.48 percent
no other candidate received more than 6 percent
via mousemusings weblog

Florida Democratic Convention  

Press Highlights for Kucinich:
via mousemusings weblog

Why do I think Dennis Kucinich is a viable candidate?  

mousemusings weblog: "Why do I think Dennis Kucinich is a viable candidate? "