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Muslims For Kucinich: 2004 National Delegates


Dennis Kucinich Blog and News - Not-So-Super Wednesday and Market Gorillas: "The main reason is that Dennis is more than a candidate, as I've argued in previous articles; he's an exemplar and torchbearer for an emerging culture, one with new values, priorities, and policies. To the degree that he is in the spotlight, he continues to shift the Democratic party platform in the direction of progressive change."


CD Baby: WINTER ROSS C. (PEACEMAN!): Global Communications - hear and buy it at CD BABY.


HomeSchool - Camp Internet - HomePlanet.Net HomeSchool Center
Oregon PeaceWorks Foundation / Oregon PeaceWorks, Inc.
News - StatesmanJournal.com
"PeaceWorks holds its 20th annual fund-raising event."